Executive Hypnosis Program

For business professionals who are ready to overcome obstacles and gain greater success, both personally and professionally.

The Executive Hypnosis Program helps you cut through the clutter, allowing you to communicate better with clients and other professionals, allowing you to be your authentic self while connecting and empowering those around you. CEOs are paying up to $25,000 to meet with a hypnotist. This program will give you access to the same skills that many successful people have used. Prosperous people such as Tiger Woods, Bruce Willis, Albert Einstein, Justin Bieber, and many others have all used Hypnosis and/or Havening to achieve great things.

Proactive approaches and tools will allow you to be a more effective communicator and become more successful both professionally and personally.

  • Release Stress by clearing out the built-up subconscious baggage that holds you back.
  • Shift your perspective to a positive mindset: discard limiting beliefs.
  • Use new, cutting-edge approaches to hard-wire new mindsets to gain greater success.
  • Recognize your true worth not only as a businessperson but as a person.
  • Take control of your world; avoid being a victim of circumstances.

Key Topics

Overcome Fears

Many contend with Fear of Success, Imposter Syndrome, Homeostasis, and other concerns. Hypnosis is a proven method to alleviate fears and move forward.

Contend with Anxious Feelings

Recognize, release, and rewire your mind to overcome anxious feelings and attain your goals. Hypnosis and Self-Havening will allow you to create new neural connections and eradicate anxious feelings.

Gain Confidence

One of the biggest impediments to getting what you want is lacking the full belief in your own abilities. Awaken your self-awareness of how amazing and talented you truly are.

Hone Business Skills

Gaining mastery over your own mind and contending with the issues that have stood in your way of success will allow you to become a top-notch businessperson. Utilizing these techniques and taking advantage of Hypnosis and Self-Havening, you will create an atmosphere of synergy and business acumen.

“Now, hypnosis is also becoming a trend among business leaders who are seeking help with performance issues such as focus, speech anxiety, confidence and even goal-setting.”
-Jade Scipioni, CNBC.com

Shifting Perspective

We will focus on creating a new paradigm of thought and approach for you. You will learn to access the entirety of your mind, both conscious and subconscious.

Hypnosis and Self-Havening will allow you to expand your strategy base, giving you the edge to succeed. Using these tools, you will learn to move past and release the nonessential nonsense that oftentimes holds us back subconsciously.

“Hypnosis has the potential to address the many issues that keep an individual from being more successful on the job and even at home. These techniques would have proved invaluable for any of my time spent in the corporate environment.”
-John Moyer, Business.com

Sage Hypnotherapy and Coaching

Session Titles and Descriptions

Hypnosis for Stress Management

Bryan will explain the properties of Hypnosis and how it works. Then, there will be a group Stress Release and Fortification session. Q & A

Hypnosis for Self-Worth/Obstacles Elimination

Bryan will review the previous session and how hypnosis works again. A group Self-Worth/Obstacle Elimination session. Q & A

Self-Havening to Hardwire Success in the Brain

Bryan will explain the properties and how to do Self-Havening. A guided Self-Havening session. Q & A

“…entrepreneurs across the spectrum would do well to further develop their grasp of the psychological arts.”
-Karsten Strauss, Forbes.com

Executive Hypnosis Program Format

  • Three 2-and-a-half-hour live sessions.
  • One session per week for 3 consecutive weeks.
  • Email access for further questions.
  • Access to recorded content.


Be willing to listen and follow suggestions. There is no wrong way to go into hypnosis, but individuals cannot be made to do anything they do not wish to do, including going into hypnosis.

Be willing to ask questions when clarification is needed. Each course session will include a Q and A segment. Please ask questions.